We’ve all been there at some point–you go to turn on your phone and instead find an unresponsive screen, dead charger, stuck home button, or glitchy software. Fortunately, PTC works to make sure that you’re not offline longer than you have to be. With in-house expertise, quality parts and workmanship, we can bring your phone back to life and get you online again in no time.
New to phone repairs? Instead of being inconvenienced longer than you have to be, read on to learn more about the process behind mobile phone repairs, what options you might have available, and what you should know about phone repair kits and services to help you make the best decision for you.
The Ins and Outs of Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are complex devices, housing a myriad of components working in perfect harmony. From the screen to the motherboard, from the camera to the battery—each part plays a critical role. When one component fails, it can throw the entire device off balance.
Acknowledging this complexity can help you understand why professional repair services are often the best course of action. It’s not just about replacing a part—it’s about restoring harmony to your device.
Getting Help for Phone Repairs
Your device has stopped working, won’t turn on, and won’t accept a charge. Where do you go first? Here are the most common options:
Third-party repair services like PTC offer a more affordable and faster repair solution.
Contemplating the DIY Route
Thinking about a DIY repair? While there are a number of repair kits and guides you can source online, we always offer a word of warning before trying to go it alone.
Whether it’s an iPhone, Android, or otherwise, mobile phones are highly detailed devices and require experienced handling to safely, and effectively, bring back to life. Even with the best of intentions, at-home repair kits should only be sourced and used in simple repair situations like stuck home buttons on older iPhone models. If you risk exposing the internal workings of the phone or need to deep dive into the hard drive, we always recommend talking to a professional.
Experts in Lake Haven Phone Repairs
While the DIY option can be enticing when you’re looking to save a dollar, some phone repairs require a professional touch. If your device has major faults like serious water damage, missing buttons, or an unresponsive screen, it’s time to call an expert.
PTC is a professional iPhone repair group with significant experience handling iPhones, Androids, and other mobile devices. With the tools, parts, and expertise needed to handle even the most serious phone issues, our quality repairers can diagnose and discuss the likely problem with you before offering an actionable recovery plan.
Speak with our friendly front-of-house team today to get started.